Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Present

So, for the past week I have been working on my boyfriend's Christmas gift.  He is IMPOSSIBLE to shop for, so I am actually making him something. 
It started over a year ago, when I was at my youth pastor's house.  We were bored, so she said "let's modpodge some boxes!"  Now, I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but she went into the other room and brought back this box.  Modpodge is a glue/finisher, and you can decorate a box with pretty stationary paper and make it look awesome.  So we went to the store to get some boxes, and proceeded to spend approximately five hours on the project.  My finished product was pretty cool, a heart shaped box covered in a medley of extremely colorful paper.  I knew right away that it was the perfect box for letters from a far away lover.  Alas, I did not have a significant other, let alone a distant one, so I just used it for random stuff.  Turns out, it's destiny really WAS to do that job, and now I use it to hold the letters that my boyfriend sends me.  I'm such a sap, I think this is the most darling thing :)
So when I couldn't think of anything really great to buy him for Christmas, I came up with a glorious plan:  I shall modpodge him a box for the letters I send to him!  I bought a box this past week, and immediately set upon my project.  After about six hours, I am FINALLY finished, and it looks magnificent!

  It even has gold glitter, which adds a lovely touch.  I also found the cutest little saying on a Starbucks cup:  "our friends think of us as an odd couple, but we only think it's odd when we're apart."  Of course, being the crafty one I am, I cut my cup to get the quote, and pasted it to the side.  Because, you know, we're apart...yeah.  I also got a picture frame to put a picture in, and I'm going to put a hershey's kiss/hug for each day next semester that we have to be apart...I know, I know, really sappy and cheesy, but it'll be fun :)  So that was my lovely Sunday project!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Random Ramblings...

Well, this is all very new to me, but I will attempt nonetheless.  I have never written a blog before, but I may as well try!
College is also new to me this year.  It has been quite the experience so far.  I am 2,000 miles away from home, which has proven difficult, but it is still fun.  I am involved in the wind ensemble here (but will NOT be next semester, the director is very unorganized and quite egotistic) and the flute ensemble, and today was the annual star trees concert.  There are these 5 huge pine trees in the shape of a star on the campus, and every year they are strung with thousands of lights, it's quite beautiful.  There is then a silly Christmas concert afterwords, with sing-a-longs and such.  There was a melodica duo, it was hilarious they purposely were very out of tune, and it sounded terribly awesome.  So it was fun!  My roommate and I then went to coffee afterwards. 
But enough about that.  I am going home in 12 days.  TWELVE DAYS!!!  I am so excited, I haven't seen anyone since August!  I miss my family terribly, and my friends.  But I miss my boyfriend in a special way.   Wow, I can't wait to see him.  I am going to give him the biggest hug possible!  It's really hard to be separated from your significant other, I have realized.  We talk all the time, but it just isn't the same.  There ARE some upsides, however.  We have gotten so much closer on an intellectual level, since all we can do is talk.  No hugging, cuddling or kissing.  No, the closest you can get to that is Skyping, and really, you can't even look them straight in the eye.  We know so much more about each other, and can talk for hours at a time.  It's wonderful!  But hand holding and cuddling WOULD be nice once in awhile.  Soon though, soon... :) 
But who knows, I just may end up going back home for college next year.  I can only stay here if I get an R.A. (resident assistant) position, since I do not have the funds to pay for it myself.  There are some schools around home that I could go to for free, so it's not like I would have to drop out of school, but it IS depressing nonetheless.  I DO like it here, even if I get lonely sometimes, and my flute professor is AMAZING.  But it wouldn't be TERRIBLE if I had to go back, since I would then be close to my boyfriend :)  That would be nice :)  Money is very stressful, I have started the application, hopefully I get one of the few spots!  If not, it just means that God wants me back home, which I'd be okay with too!